Martes, Oktubre 11, 2016

Kapanadze Generator

Kapanadze Generator
Image result for Kapanadze Generator

A Georgia Republic inventor, Tariel Kapanadze, claims to have invented a 5 kilowatt free energy generator. In a demonstration video, the device appears to produce copious amounts of energy from no visible source.
The components apparently include a radiator buried in the ground, a wire to a water pipe, a Tesla coil/joule thief, a spark gap, transformer, capacitors, 5 ferrite cores from old TV HV transformers, and some other unidentified components.
In the videos below under the keyword "Kapanadze", several different iterations or varieties are shown. Two appear to be solid state of different sizes, one in a black box. Another is a rotating system.
On July 22, 2009, a video was posted showing a 100 kW unit being third party tested.

  Kapanadze Generator(KapanGen)

Tariel Kapanadze, like Don Smith, is probably one of the most successful people who have come up with devices based on the work of Nikola Tesla. The outcome is so convincing that quite a few people, probably close to a hundred of them, could actually replicate Kapanadze’s power generator. They call it “KapanGen” or “KapaGen” in short. This page is dedicated to show videos related to KapanGen devices.
In his words, here is the reason why Tariel Kapanadze can successfully get Tesla’s design to function (emphasis added): “I discovered how to get AUTOMATIC RESONANCE between the primary and secondary windings. The most important thing is TO ACHIEVE RESONANCE.”

Own Opinion
In my own opinion these generator is useful specially in the future

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